Don Hunt to resign as Chief of Colorado DOT

Don-Hunt-CoDOTDon Hunt is resigning as executive director of the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). However, he has not given an exact date for his departure in order to give Gov. John Hickenlooper time to choose a new CDOT chief.

Hunt has held his current position since January 2011. At that time he told Hickenlooper that he would not stay on for a second term.

“I told the governor in late 2011 that there was no way I will be around for a second term, just so you know,” Hunt told the Denver Post. As to how long he stays on, Hunt said, “I don’t plan to leave until we find the right person for Colorado” to lead the agency.

During his time as the CDOT chief, Hunt dealt with the devastation of many roads and bridges from the September 2013 floods, which led to disaster declarations in 15 counties and major repairs for the state’s transportation system.

Hickenlooper said Hunt “directed CDOT through one of the most challenging times in its history during last year’s floods, and we as a state owe our gratitude to his extraordinary leadership and vision for this organization.”