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Looking for the best of the best in equipment and products: Deadline Nov. 12 at 5 p.m. CT


The Better Roads staff has been going through the hundreds of products and equipment we’ve covered or received press releases about throughout 2014.

It’s a massive undertaking the staff goes through each year. The sheer volume of introductions is overwhelming. Better Roads covers numerous products each year in its New Road Products department in product coverage through its website and newsletters.

So each year, our staff reviews all the product introductions we’ve covered for the past year to pick out 25 that we believe are worth further review. Our priorities are new concept products, which are rare; new series/new generation products in categories that relate to the highway/roadbuilding and bridge building industry; and other new products and equipment that serve our readers’ interests by increasing competition in a product category.

Inevitably, we omit deserving products, either because we just didn’t understand the significance of the product or because the announcing company didn’t communicate what was special about the product, or both. In either case, we apologize in advance for these omissions.

To make sure we consider everything that should be in the running, we invite you to submit a press release and high-res photo AND an additional explanation in 75 words or less the main highlights of the product and why it’s so innovative. Please make sure this isn’t sales/marketing speak. This explanation should be concise and really show why the product stands out in its category.

Please have any submissions to Better Roads by Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2015 at 5 p.m. CT. No exceptions because we need to meet our deadlines. We’ll be making our spreadsheet and going through any submissions we receive from this blog post and from the coverage we have already done.

Please submit these to: [email protected].