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“Biggest Idiot on a Ladder” named by The Ladder Association

Updated Jan 15, 2013

LadderidoitAside from already having picked the best name for a contest ever,  The Ladder Association of the UK has finally crowned its “Biggest Idiot on a Ladder” after a three-month search.

The association asked the public to submit photos of people using ladders in the worst and most dangerous ways in order to spread awareness of how not to use them. The association then posted the photos to Facebook and took votes on the site.

The picture here won with more than 30 percent of the vote and it’s easy to see why.

“To top the situation off, he also had a bucket wedged between the ladder and the wall it was resting against,” the association reports. “The Ladder Association is now looking into the background of the picture in an attempt to identify the man and offer him the training he obviously needs, assuming he has survived to benefit from it.”

“This competition was all about raising awareness and as such it was run alongside the Ladder Exchange, which offers people and businesses the chance to trade in unsafe ladders for new, compliant ones,” said Cameron Clow, Chairman of the Ladder Association.

To see all 38 photos submitted for the search visit The Ladder Association’s Facebook album here.