AEM offers new French Canadian aerial platform, aerial devices safety manuals

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) now offers French Canadian versions of its Aerial Platform Safety Manual and Aerial Devices Safety Manual to help equipment manufacturers comply with government language requirements for distributing products in Quebec.

The two manuals outline possible responses to basic safety situations that may be found during normal equipment start-up, operation and maintenance. The new safety manuals – like all AEM safety manuals – are published in an illustrated format of sensible “do’s and don’ts.” The safety messages are presented in clear, readable text and illustrations to assist understanding, and the manual can be used for safety sessions on the job or in the classroom.

Content includes safety tips concerning the workplace and equipment, start up and shut down guidelines, and special operating and maintenance precautions. The AEM manuals are not a substitute for original equipment manufacturer operation guidelines.

AEM safety and training materials cover more than 40 types of equipment used in agricultural, construction, forestry and utility applications. All manuals, videos and related safety and training products are available online at in the AEM store. Some safety materials are offered in downloadable files or in DVD format. AEM members receive discounts on select materials.

The association’s safety-tools program has been in operation for more than 40 years, aiding accident prevention, improving worker productivity and reducing equipment repair downtime.