On Record: Two for the web

Sometimes words, however carefully crafted, just aren’t enough.

And so we’re excited that our new digital version – which debuted this past October – allows us to even further explain some of the innovations we’re highlighting in this issue. Log on to http://www.equipmentworlddigital.com, take a few moments to subscribe, and using this printed version of the magazine as your guide, go to the page that features the product you’re interested in learning more about. If the featured company has given us a video, you’ll be able to view it right from the pages of our digital version.

In the same vein, our story on “Managing green debris costs on land clearing jobs” features product-in-action video links. As Georgia Krause, our senior editor, puts it, we included them because “there is something instinctively satisfying about feeding tree branches into a grinder and seconds later watching the tree become a mound of mulch.” Subscribe and watch.

And speaking of our website, we just added an information-packed feature that will overcome one of print’s perennial downfalls – not enough space. While we receive a bare minimum of 60 new product submissions per month, we unfortunately only have room to run 12 of these products in each issue’s Marketplace section. That means out of a potential 720 product debuts, we can only run 144. Our new Catalog web feature gives us a conduit to completely overcome this problem and show you the vast majority of new products now out on the market.

Just go to www.equipmentworld.com, and look through the list on the left side of the screen. There you’ll see more than 20 major equipment and service categories. Select one of these categories, and you’ll pull down a menu of subcategories. Right now, there are more than 600 subcategories, or zones, in the entire Catalog system. Click on one of these subcategories and you’ll get all the product listings we’ve received since we started compiling information for this system last year.

And forgive me for sounding like Don Pardo, but that’s not all. You’ll also know when each product was posted, see all products we’ve received information on in a particular subcategory – organized by manufacturer – and get a listing of all manufacturers in each subcategory. Click on a manufacturer’s link, and you’ll get full contact information, including a link to their website, plus a cross reference of all products we’ve posted in our Catalog system for this particular manufacturer.

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By the time you receive this, we’ll have more than 800 products listed on the Catalog. And the product announcements are just a start. We plan to give our Catalog web browsers access to product videos, walk-arounds, safety information and links to pertinent Equipment World editorial. So instead of going from website to website gathering equipment information, you can go to just one: ours.