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Construction and the Internet of Things: Own it, control it, get out in front of it…or it will control you

Updated Dec 19, 2014

You’ve probably heard the hype about the Internet of Things—small sensors, transmitters and computer chips embedded in everything from thermostats to coffee makers to jet engines.

Chris Rezendes has heard the hype and he hates the hype, but says: “I’m betting my economic future that we will deploy sensors, they will create value and they will drive change in just about every system on the planet that matters to us.”

Rezendes was the closing speaker at the Association of Equipment Management Professionals Asset Management Symposium in November. He has 22 years experience in the technology field, and he and his team at INEX Advisors help clients find promising growth opportunities in the digital/IoT world.

A short segment of Rezendes’ presentation can be seen here in this video:

And while heavy construction—with it’s huge machines, dirt and diesel, concrete, asphalt and steel—may seem like the one industry furthest from the high tech world of IoT, Rezendes says it is the vanguard.

“You are the leading edge of what we do in the built environment, and IoT is the instrumentation of that environment,” Rezendes says.