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TRIP to release Alabama’s worst chokepoints

A new report that identifies the 40 worst chokepoints on Alabama’s roads, bridges and transit systems will be released in Mobile, Ala., at 10 a.m. CT on Thursday, Oct. 28.

TRIP will release a report titled, “Alabama’s Transportation Chokepoints: The Top 40 Chokepoints and Remedies for Relief.”

It pinpoints the 40 segments of Alabama’s road, highway and transit systems that impede routine travel, commuting or commerce, or place limits on economic development because of deficient design or inadequate capacity. These chokepoints are located throughout the state, with many of them – including the worst chokepoint – in the Mobile area. TRIP is a national nonprofit transportation research group based in Washington, DC.

TRIP’s Carolyn Bonifas will present the findings of the report. Local officials will also be on hand to comment on the report.

Check back on our Website after 10 a.m. CT tomorrow for the findings of the report.