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PennDOT employees receive Governor’s Award of Excellence, Star of Excellence Awards

Pennsylvania Welcome SignThirty-five Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) employees  were recently recognized for their contributions to the agency and the state with the Governor’s Awards for Excellence and the Star of Excellence Awards.

The awards recognize state employees for “exemplary job performance or service that reflects initiative, leadership, innovation and increased efficiency.”

“Six PennDOT employees were part of a team of seven state employees honored for their role in relocating approximately 130,000 mussels from the construction area of the Hunter Station Bridge in Forest County,” the agency reports. “Many of the mussels were endangered or threatened species. The move prevented a 44-mile detour for over 1,100 vehicles each day and gave the species opportunities to re-establish populations in areas where they have not existed in over a century.”

Employees receiving the award include:

“The employees being recognized have gone above and beyond their job requirements to provide outstanding service and make government more responsive and effective,” says Gov. Tom Wolf. “Their accomplishments are truly exemplary and inspiring. We are fortunate to have such outstanding public servants working for the people of Pennsylvania.”

Individual and group awards​ were presented to 30 other state employees during a ceremony May 22.

The Star of Excellence Awards is PennDOT’s highest recognition.