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Transportation commission adopts Iowa in Motion 2045 plan

Updated May 15, 2017

Iim 2045 Full Plan Cover

The Iowa Transportation Commission has adopted the state’s transportation plan, Iowa in Motion 2045, a document that will be used as a guide for transportation investments in the state and will address federal requirements of the transportation system.

The plan is updated every five years, with the last one being adopted in 2012. This one attempts to forecast the “demand for transportation infrastructure and services to 2045 based on consideration of social and economic changes likely to occur during this time.”

Key elements comprising the plan include:

♦  Trends: An analysis of demographic, economic, passenger, and freight trends and what these trends mean for Iowa’s transportation system.

♦  Planning considerations: An overview of several issues and factors that in uence transportation planning.

♦  System condition: An overview of each mode within the transportation system.

♦  Vision: A broad statement that captures the overall vision for Iowa’s future transportation system.

♦  Investment areas: Overarching areas within which actions will be de ned to implement the system vision.

♦  Strategies and improvements: Actions and initiatives that will be utilized by the department to implement the vision.

♦  Costs and revenues: An analysis of annual costs and revenues for each transportation mode.

♦  Implementation: A discussion related to addressing funding shortfalls, programming future investments, and ongoing performance monitoring.

The Iowa Department of Transportation asked for public input on the plan last August through an online survey. The full plan is available here.