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One Oregon: Transportation report proposes recommendations to state system

Updated May 21, 2016

Oregon trafficOregon Gov. Kate Brown’s Transportation Vision Panel has outlined 10 areas of recommended improvements for the state’s transportation system in the “One Oregon, A vision for Oregon’s Transportation System” report issued this week.

The report has been in the works for a year by a 35-member panel, and is intended to cover near-term recommendations and a “vision” for 30 years.

“It is the panel’s vision that in 30 years Oregon will have a transportation system in good repair, resilient to natural disasters, and financially stable,” says panel co-chair Gregg Kantor. “Oregon will have a safe, reliable, and efficient multimodal network that supports Oregon’s businesses and enhances Oregonians’ quality of life. But to get there, we must take immediate action.”

The recommendations from the report include:

Transportation maintenance

Roadway bottlenecks
