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Minnesota DOT provides roughly $32 million in grants for state highway projects designed for economic development

Updated Jan 11, 2016

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The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has awarded approximately $32 million in grants for state highway projects that are designed to support economic development in addition to updating the states transportation system.

The grants come from Minnesota’s Transportation Economic Development (TED) program through a partnership with the state’s Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED).

“For every public dollar we invest, Minnesota’s Transportation Economic Development program leverages an additional three dollars in economic development investment,” says Lt. Governor Tina Smith. â€śThese are great projects, but they don’t come close to meeting our need for a sustainable, comprehensive solution to Minnesota’s transportation challenges.  If we want to grow jobs and our economy, we need a statewide transportation system that works everywhere, for Minnesotans and Minnesota businesses.”

A few of the projects receiving TED grants include:

I-494 – East Bush Lake Road – $8 million

Constructs a new ramp providing westbound access to I-494 from East Bush Lake Road, will alleviate traffic at the I-494/Hwy 100 interchange, and decrease travel time for a planned bus rapid transport.