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USDOT offers online course on connected vehicle technology basics

Updated Dec 18, 2015
Photo credit: USDOTPhoto credit: USDOT

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) is offering a free online course that covers the basics of connected vehicle technology. The course is aimed at transportation planners, managers and engineers at the state and local agencies.

The course, a collaborative effort through USDOT’s Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office and the Consortium of ITS Education and Training, will provide details on the safety, mobility and environmental applications “envisioned for the connected vehicle environment.”

“The USDOT’s connected vehicle effort is now moving from research to reality,” the agency says. “Participants will also gain an overview of the infrastructure requirements being developed, including communication standards, operations and maintenance implications, and upcoming policy decisions. In addition, the course will discuss recent Intelligent Transportation System Joint Program Office activities and opportunities for participants to get involved by considering how vehicle-to-infrastructure communications and applications could be used to solve their transportation challenges.”

Upon completion of the course, participants are expected to understand the following concepts:

  • What is meant by “connected” vehicles
  • Terms/jargon related to connected vehicles
  • Technology used for connected vehicles
  • Applications available for connected vehicles; pertinent USDOT research related to connected vehicles, including applications and technologies
  • Potential issues in preparing for connected vehicle implementation
  • How to become or stay involved.

The course is available at the Consortium of ITS Education and Training web site here.