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Missouri DOT survey finds 87% of respondents would pay more to adequately fund roads

Updated Aug 21, 2015

Missouri highway state lineA survey commissioned by the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) finds a large majority, 87 percent, of those responding would pay more to fund roads in the state, with increased fuel taxes being the most acceptable means of raising the money.

“A Report Card from Missourians — 2015” shows 24 percent favor higher fuel taxes for “adequately” funding roads, a large jump the 2013 survey when just 15 percent found them acceptable.

Slightly behind was adding tolls at 23 percent followed by increasing sales taxes (17 percent), swapping the fuel tax with a mileage tax (13 percent) and raising fees for car registrations and licenses (11 percent).

Related to user fees, 43 percent of respondents estimated Missouri drivers spent less than $25 a month in taxes and fees for road funding, with 31 percent estimating $25 per month (the actual figure) and 25 percent believing it was more than $25 per month.

The top MoDOT services respondents identified include:

  • Keeping major roads in good condition
  • Keeping bridges in good conditions
  • Managing snow and ice
  • Providing bright highway strips
  • Providing easy-to-understand signs
  • Keeping minor roads in good condition

Overall, 81 percent of respondents are satisfied with the job MoDOT is doing. This is clearly a good figure, but the department pointed out it is a drop from 2013 when 85 percent were satisfied with MoDOT’s work.

In breaking down satisfaction levels, the survey found 70 percent of respondents were satisfied with MoDOT’s work in keeping major highways in good condition. In maintaining other state highways and bridges, however, the satisfaction rate was the lowest recorded in the survey’s history, at 63 percent.

Heartland Market Research conducted the survey between May 18 and June 22 this year and collected 3, 527 responses. The full report is available here.