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Senate on deck for approving House’s 3-month extension for transportation funding

Updated Jul 31, 2015


The House has passed H.R. 3236, a new 3-month extension that provides financing for the Highway Trust Fund and other transportation expenses. Current transportation funding will expire July 31.

The bill now moves on to the Senate, which is expected to vote on the legislation today or tomorrow and then send it on to President Obama, who said Wednesday he would sign the bill.

The Senate and House have been at odds the past two weeks over working up a long-term funding solution immediately or providing a short-term solution.

Wednesday morning the Senate voted to invoke cloture on it’s long-term funding legislation, H.R. 22 (the DRIVE Act), in a 65-35 vote, setting up a possible final vote on the bill some time today. Even if the chamber approves the bill today, no action will take place on it in the House, as its members left for their August break yesterday evening.

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pennsylvania) introduced the extension Tuesday, despite the existence of a 5-month bill approved earlier in July.

“My goal remains the completion of a long-term bill to improve our nation’s roads, bridges, and other infrastructure as soon as possible, and the House continues to make progress on that bill,” Shuster said.  “The Senate’s work on their transportation bill is a positive step, but the House also needs to make its voice heard and put forth its own priorities for such a significant piece of legislation. I believe this three-month extension represents the compromise that allows the House more time, and a confirmation of our commitment to produce a fiscally responsible long-term proposal.”