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SHRP2 Education Connection presents 10 universities with cooperative agreements worth $100,000

Traffic in a work zone

Ten universities are receiving roughly $100,000 worth of cooperative agreements from the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) Education Connection initiative. The program is designed for universities to incorporate SHRP2 Solutions programs into their current transportation curricula.

“These cooperative agreements provide an opportunity to incorporate SHRP2 products into transportation coursework, bringing state-of-the-practice solutions into the classroom,” the Federal Highway Administration and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials said in a statement. “Each university will incorporate one or more SHRP2 products into its current transportation curriculum, including a broad spectrum of products from the Renewal, Capacity, and Reliability focus areas.”

The 10 universities and the SHRP2 Solutions programs to be incorporated include:

Bradley University (Illinois)

  • GeoTechTools
  • New Composite Pavement Systems
  • Pavement Renewal Solutions
  • Innovative Bridge Designs for Rapid Renewal
  • Nondestructive Testing for Concrete Bridge Decks
  • Service Life Design for Bridges

Colorado State University

  • Technologies to Enhance Quality Control on Asphalt Pavements
  • Pavement Renewal Solutions
  • Guidelines for the Preservation of High-Traffic-Volume Roadways

Methodist University (North Carolina)

  • Implementing Eco-Logical

North Dakota State University – Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute

  • Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures in Operations and Planning Modeling Tools
  • Reliability Data Archive

Rowan University (New Jersey)

  • Innovative Bridge Designs for Rapid Renewal
  • Precast Concrete Pavement
  • Nondestructive Testing for Concrete Bridge Decks
  • Technologies to Enhance Quality Control on Asphalt Pavements
  • Service Life Design for Bridges
  • New Composite Pavement Systems
  • Pavement Renewal Solutions
  • Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures in Operations and Planning Modeling Tools
  • National Traffic Incident Management Responder Training Program
  • Framework for improving Travel-Time Reliability
  • Reliability Data Archive
  • Regional Operations Forum
  • Planworks: Better planning. Better projects.
  • Planning Process Bundle
  • Economic Analysis Tools
  • Advanced Travel Analysis Tools for Integrated Travel Demand Modeling

University of Idaho

  • National TIM Responder Training

University of Missouri

  • Nondestructive Testing for Concrete Bridge Decks
  • Technologies to Enhance Quality Control on Asphalt Pavements
  • Nondestructive Testing for Tunnel Linings

University of Nebraska – Lincoln

  • Encouraging Innovation in Locating Utilities

University of North Carolina – Charlotte

  • Advanced Travel Analysis Tools for Integrated Travel Demand Modeling

University of Wisconsin

  • Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures in Operations and Planning Modeling Tools

More information about SHRP2 Education Connection is available at