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New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman: ‘Average is over’

Best-selling author and New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman spoke Sunday in front of a group of public works professionals about the challenges posed by globalization, changing technology, deficits and energy consumption.

During his session at the American Public Works Association (APWA) Congress and Exposition, Friedman noted that within a seven-year span at the start of the 21st Century, people went from simply being connected to being hyper-connected.

The rapid change has continued more than a decade later, and though it is great for consumers, it also poses challenges for the workforce.

To move past those challenges, Friedman said, businesses and professionals have to work harder than ever and “find their extra,” which he said involves working beyond what is necessary and becoming innovators.

“Average is over for everybody,” Friedman said.

He added that creativity, collaboration and communication are keys to maintaining above-average work.

Friedman said the “motivational divide” — an indicator of who has the motivation to perform above average — will separate those who will succeed from who will not. He pointed to four ideas that he said can help professionals become and remain successful.