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AED chairman testifies at Congressional tax reform hearing

AED logoAssociated Equipment Distributors (AED) Vice Chairman Tim Watters is set to testify before the U.S. House of Representatives Small Business Committee at the “Small Business Tax Reform: Growth Through Simplicity” hearing at 1 p.m. Eastern Time on April 10.

Watters will speak on behalf of AED and the construction equipment industry. He will emphasize that the current federal tax code is undermining economic growth, citing results of an AED tax survey that stresses construction equipment distributors’ top tax reform priorities.

AED says issues at this hearing include “simplifying the tax code, preserving business interest deductions, protecting use of the last in, first out (LIFO) inventory accounting method, alleviating the estate tax burden on family business, holding equipment distributors harmless from the 3.8 percent Affordable Care Act tax on rental income, and identifying new user fees to support federal surface transportation investment.”

For more information about the “Small Business Tax Reform: Growth Through Simplicity” hearing, visit the committee’s website.

A live audio/video stream will be available once the hearing is in session.