A Modern Magazine


The evolution of the magazine continues. Not just this magazine, but all of them are in a state of change in this digital, online, etc., age. Reports of the death of the magazine are, however, as Mr. Twain observed about his own obituary, exaggerations. New magazines are launched every month. Some existing magazines thrive and some adapt and dedicate themselves to a new definition of service. Magazines still rock.

The amount of information you can find online is expanding, it seems at the speed of light, and as it does it breaks down into narrow specialties and niches as if it had hit a prism.

Much of what you once looked for in magazines is now found more quickly and more completely online. And we deliver that with our website, www.betterroads.com. We’ve designed and redesigned it to make sure you can go to what you want, or need, and bypass what isn’t essential with the greatest of ease. And my Roadologist blog is housed there too.

We’ve added a short, sharp daily newsletter to our repertoire, another easy-in, easy-out production to keep you up to speed. And we’ve promoted Amanda Bayhi to online managing editor working with our construction media online editor Wayne Grayson. Social media is well covered too.

The print issue continues to develop its focus as a partner in the process of modern day information and support delivery. We know from all of our research that this magazine is a premium for you. We know you like and value having it in your hands. Our research is not that much different than the research that shows people love tablets and e-readers but don’t intend to give up the books and magazines they have loved longer. So we keep refining and redefining how best to have our print issue serve readers as part of a continually broadening platform.

John Latta, Editor-in-Chief jlatta@randallreilly.comJohn Latta,
[email protected]

“Magazine” used to mean print. To us it means a multi-functional, collaborative delivery system (surely I should call this an MFCDS) in which we can provide you with more than we ever used to be able to do, through a variety of channels and formats, with different capabilities (think video or interactive exploded diagrams for example), with more responsiveness and a wider range of sources and templates.

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And we will keep changing. In the current environment change is constant. It is not moving toward a fixed ending; it will keep happening and we will keep responding to it. Ironically, the base result is unchanged: We deliver to you, our audience, a lot of what you want and need to be the best you can be in this industry better than anyone else in the “magazine” field.