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FTA starts ‘online dialaogue’ on transit in MPOs, open to anyone through March 25

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is seeking participants in a National Online Dialogue on Transit Provider Representation in Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs).

The new transportation legislation enacted in July 2012, “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century” (MAP-21) has new requirements for representation of providers of public transportation in MPOs.

The FTA says that this Dialogue is a chance for public transportation stakeholders to provide comments to the agency in advance of FTA issuing policy guidance on the topic.

Comments will also be taken when the policy guidance is published in the Federal Register.  The dialogue is free, open to the general public, and will be accessible 24/7.

FTA is specifically seeking input on the following:

The dialogue will run from March 4- March 25, 2013.  To take part in it, go to  You may register using the button on the top right.

Who Should Participate?