By Tina Grady Barbaccia

The Roadologist

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Better Roads receives national bronze, regional gold awards for editorial

tinaUntitled-1ASBPE, formerly the American Society of Business Publication Editors (, presented Better Roads with a National Bronze Award for Editorial/Editor’s Letter and with the regionalUntitled-1Regional Gold Award for the Upper Midwest Region in the same category for a series of editorials in the 2014 Azbee Awards of Excellence during the Azbee Awards of Excellence Awards Banquet during the ASBPE National Conference 2014.

goldUntitled-1To read the series winning commentary, written by Editor-at-Large Tina Grady Barbaccia, see the following editorials: “The BIG WIG of Transportation Funding” (October 2013), “Could alternate energy sources help solve our funding problem?” (November 2013), and “A Penny for Your Transportation System” (December 2013). To read these editorials, go to, respectively,;; and


How to outsmart the airlines and avoid travel fees

I had to laugh when I saw an article about how some folks were able to get around the carry-on baggage fees on the airports.

I understand reasonable charges, but I think charging a person to carry on his or her own bag is ridiculous. If I’m going to pay for a carry-on, someone better be doing it for me.

Anyway, when I read this article ( and saw the picture of two guys pulling things out of their carry-on bags and wearing them, I chuckled. I could absolutely see my older son (my mad scientist kid) doing this. In fact, when I showed him the photo, he laughed and made me show my younger son.

jetUntitled-1According to, when two men were flying from Singapore to Sydney, Australia, the desk agent told them that their carry-on bags were over the free weight limit and that they would have to pay $130 in fees.

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They came up with their own solution to avoid paying the fees. (I get that this is supposedly for safety reasons – although I think making money has a bit to do with it – but I am still pretty amused.)

The one guy had on multiple hats, shirts, jackets, underwear over this shorts and jeans (that might have just been for shock effect). The other guy had a couple pairs of shoes tied around his waist (a new belt fad, perhaps)? For the photo, go to

Whether it was to make a statement, get around paying fees or just for fun, I found it entertaining.

I was always told to dress in layers. These young men took it to heart.

I’d love to hear your funny or shocking (keep it clean, of course) travel stories! Send me an e-mail at [email protected].