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3 strategies for balancing safety and roadside weed control

roadside-weedsBalancing public and crew safety while maintaining effective roadside weed control is an ongoing challenge for DOT managers. Rights of way can be dangerous places when weeds obstruct sightlines, compromise road surfaces and provide fuel for wildfires.

To learn more about solutions to vegetation management that meet safety challenges, I spoke with several roadside management specialists. Here are some of the strategies they’re using to protect their crews and motorists.

Spend Less Time on Roadways

High traffic volumes can make maintaining roadways a dangerous job, says Bill Nantt, landscape specialist, California Department of Transportation. His team’s roadside maintenance program includes a preemergence herbicide application followed by mowing and a touch-up herbicide application later in the season where needed.

By keeping roadside weeds under control, Nantt’s crews spend less time near busy highways. “The fewer herbicide applications and mowings we make, the safer it is for everyone,” he says.

Chip Rosan, roadside environmental administrator, Delaware Department of Transportation, also believes less time spent near traffic is important for crew safety. “Strategic herbicide applications help us minimize crew time on roadsides,” he says. “Applying herbicides takes less time and equipment, and reduces follow-up compared to mowing alone.”

Reduce Fire Danger