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New, all-inclusive [includes aerotropolises] freight policy bill introduced

CongressmanSiresNew Jersey Democratic congressman Albio Sires has introduced new legislation in Washington which he says is designed to “strengthen our national freight transportation policy by creating a national plan for moving goods efficiently by road, rail, water, and air.”

“With freight volumes expected to more than double by 2040 to nearly $40 trillion annually, it is imperative that our nation craft a strategic, all-inclusive freight policy that provides for the reliable, efficient, and safe movement of goods,” said Sires.

The Multimodal Opportunities via Enhanced (MOVE) Freight Act of 2013 would direct the federal government to ensure the various and essential modes of our freight network are accounted for and provide investment in freight transportation projects. The bill is backed by representatives Adam Smith (D-WA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Janice Hahn (D-CA), Corrine Brown (D-FL) and Grace Napolitano (D-CA) as original co-sponsors.

The bill would expand the definition of the national freight network to include rail, navigable waterways, inland ports, seaports, freight intermodal connectors, airports, and aerotropolis transportation systems. It would also create a National Freight Infrastructure Investment Grants, competitive grants to be awarded to projects with the highest system performance improvement relative to their benefit-cost analysis.  Eligible projects would include port development, freight rail improvement and intelligent transportation systems.