Quick Data: Top-Selling Rollers of 2024

Ben Thorpe Headshot
Cat CB2.7 tandem vibratory roller

Quick Data is a snapshot of new and used construction equipment sales trends from Fusable’s EDA equipment financing data and EquipmentWatch market trend reports.

2024 ended up a strong year for new financed roller sales, which saw a bump compared to 2023. However, used sales were down slightly year-over-year.

Buyers financed 2,740 new rollers from December 1, 2023, to November 30, 2024, a 25% year-over-year increase compared to 2,194 units in the previous year. Among those new rollers, 1,679 (61%) were dual-drum units and the remaining 1,061 were single-drum machines. In 2023, 59% of all financed new roller sales were dual-drum.

bar chart showing new and used roller salesAfter stagnating in 2023, sales of new financed roller units shot up noticeably in 2024.EDA

Caterpillar, Hamm and Dynapac had the most financed models in 2024, reporting 886 (up 29% year-over-year), 587 (+31%) and 315 (+36%) units financed respectively.

BOMAG was the fourth most financed manufacturer of rollers in 2024 at 272 (up 41% year-over-year). Wacker Neuson, which had the fifth most sold units in 2024 at 211, was the only manufacturer to see a year-over-year decline in sold units compared to 2023, down 3%.

The top-selling new models, based on the number of units financed, were these tandem vibratory compactors:

  • Caterpillar CB2.7 
  • Caterpillar CB4.0 
  • Hamm HD 12 VV 
  • Wacker Neuson RD12 
  • Wacker Neuson RD12L-90

The top three states in 2024 for new financed roller buyers were Texas at 366 units (up 36% year-over-year), Florida at 234 (up 32%) and Georgia at 172 (up 46%).

New Financed Roller Sales – 2022-24

Single drum9309081,061
Dual drum1,2781,2861,679
Source: EDA

Comparing single-drum and dual-drum financed sales reveals a change in their growth between 2023 and 2024. Where single-drum sales rose 17% to 1,061 units, dual-drum unit sales rose 31% to almost 1,700 units

Looking at financed used rollers, 2,184 were purchased in 2024. Of those, 1,403 (64%) were single-drum and 781 were double-drum rollers. This represents about a 2% year-over-year decline from 2,219 used units in 2023. Also in 2023, 65% of all financed used roller sales were single-drum.

Similar to 2023, Caterpillar and Hamm commanded top spots in the used market at 430 and 328 units, respectively. However, these numbers were down year-over-year, by 29% for Caterpillar and 39% for Hamm.

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With used sales, BOMAG had the third most units sold at 194 (down 40% year-over-year), followed by Volvo at 98 (down 39%) and Sakai at 90 (down 7%).

Caterpillar commanded four of the five most popular models of financed used rollers: the CS56-B (63), CS54-B (57), CP56-B (47) and the CS44-B (45). Hamm’s H7-I was the fifth most popular model with 45 used units financed in 2024.

The top three states for financed used roller sales were Texas at 251, North Carolina at 90 and Georgia at 86. All three states saw year-over-year declines in financed used roller sales, with Texas seeing the largest at 35%. 

Used Financed Roller Sales – 2022-24

Single drum1,2961,4371,403
Dual drum656782781
Source: EDA

Sales of used single-drum and dual-drum rollers have followed the same growth patterns in the last three years, both climbing in 2023 and stagnating in 2024.

Used Single Drum Roller Sales

Used roller prices increased during the 12-month period from December 1, 2023, to November 30, 2024, according to Fusable’s EquipmentWatch market trend data. This data only included single drum roller units.

The average price tag for a used roller was $110,259 in Q4 2023 compared to $122,836 in Q4 2024, an 11% year-over-year increase. The average age of used rollers decreased slightly during this same period from 6.3 to 5.9 years. The average age and price were calculated based on 55,061 resale listings in the EquipmentWatch database during the period.

Over the last five years, average prices for used rollers have, in general, increased, with the fourth quarter of 2024 being the peak. In the fourth quarter of 2019, average used single drum roller prices came in at $82,292.

a graph of roller pricesAverage used roller prices over the last five years, according to EquipmentWatch market trend data.EquipmentWatch

EquipmentWatch defines fair market value (FMV) as the monetary value of an asset that can be expected in a transaction with a single seller and single buyer, neither of whom is under any compulsion or time restriction to complete the transaction. FMV for heavy equipment is most closely associated with the private resale market, as opposed to the public auction market.

EDA and EquipmentWatch are owned by Fusable, the parent of Equipment World.