National Trench Safety Stand Down Kicks Off June 17

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graphic NUCA trench safety month
June 17-21 marks the annual Trench Safety Stand Down Week.
National Utility Contractors Association

This week marks the annual Trench Safety Stand Down to highlight the dangers of trenching and promote safety awareness by contractors, especially the use of trench boxes.

From June 17-21, hundreds of jobsites around the country will pause to reflect on trench safety, as well as participate in a series of organized events sponsored by the National Utility Contractors Association, Sunstate Equipment Co./Trench Safety Rentals, and United Rentals.

The events include safety training, educational seminars, live demonstrations of trench rescues, and other trench-safety activities. 

NUCA has declared June “Trench Safety Month” for educating the public and non-NUCA industry companies “about the importance of employee safety when working underground or in and around trenches.”

“In 2023, more than 25,800 industry employees and first responders at over 2,480 jobsites, from 455 organizations, took part in the stand down,” according to NUCA.

The association notes that 2022 was the most deadly year in the trenches since 2005, with 39 fatalities.

“These accidents can be avoided with thorough training in excavation safety procedures and techniques,” NUCA says. “Participation in Trench Safety Month and TSSD has become more important in recent years, as our industry begins gearing up for more water, wastewater, broadband, electric, and highway projects financed by the federal 2021 infrastructure law supported by NUCA.”

For more details about the stand down, go to NUCA’s website or to its social media hashtag #TrenchSafetyMonth.

Founded in 1964, the National Utility Contractors Association represents over 2,000 U.S. utility and excavation contractors, manufacturers and suppliers involved in building  and maintaining water, sewer, gas, telecommunications and electric infrastructure. NUCA is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2024.