CARB truck and bus regulation online reporting now available

The online reporting system for the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Truck and Bus regulation is now available at

CARB notes that fleets which must report have until Jan. 31, 2012 to complete their reporting.

The agency suggests referring to the Truck and Bus Regulation User Guide at for more information on how to report. There is no cost to report.

According to CARB, the reporting requirements for fleets differ by gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), specifically the following:

HEAVIER VEHICLES (GVWR more than 26,000 lbs)

  • No reporting is required for diesel truck owners that comply with the engine model year schedule and do not plan to use credits, and extensions. A fact sheet with the compliance
    requirements summary is available at
  • Fleets that report by Jan. 31, 2012 will have more flexibility to bring heavier vehicles into compliance.
  • Small fleets with three or fewer diesel vehicles must report all heavier trucks now if any have 1996 to 1999 model year engines of if you are an owner operator with a heavier
    low-mileage construction truck. Otherwise, you may wait until next year to report.

LIGHTER VEHICLES (14,001 to 26,000 lbs)

  • No reporting is required, as clean-up requirements do not
    begin until Jan. 1, 2015.

Note that publicly and privately owned school buses have different clean-up requirements than other vehicles and do not need to be reported.

For additional information about the compliance options and other
Truck and Bus regulatory requirements, go to at

On Dec. 11, 2008, the Board approved for adoption the Truck and Bus regulation to control emissions from nearly all existing diesel powered heavy-duty trucks and buses operating in
California. The regulation became effective under California law on Jan. 8, 2010.

The regulation applies to diesel fueled trucks and buses with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) greater than 14,000 pounds that are privately owned, federally owned, and to publicly and privately owned school buses.

Local and state government owned diesel fueled trucks and buses are already subject to other ARB regulations. Reducing emissions from in-use trucks and buses is necessary to meet federally imposed clean air standards and to reduce the adverse health effects from
truck and bus pollution.

On December 17, 2010, the staff recommended amendments, which are presently pending adoption, that would delay the initial requirement to install particulate matter (PM) retrofit filters by one year to Jan. 1, 2012 and extend the time before a vehicle equipped with a PM filter would have to have an engine that meets 2010 model year emission standards.

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The amendments also defer engine replacements for vehicles without PM filters for two years until Jan. 1, 2015. Prior to 2020, replacements are limited to 20 year old or older trucks that are not equipped with PM filters.

By Jan. 1, 2023, most vehicles will need to be equipped with an engine meeting 2010 model year emission standards.