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Caltrans workshop shapes future of California transportation

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) hosted a workshop on May 23 for transportation stakeholders and officials to evaluate the California Interregional Blueprint, a long-term plan that will help shape decision-making for the state’s transportation system.

“The future of California’s economy and our quality of life depends on a transportation system that is safe and reliable as it moves people and goods efficiently,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “Engaging our transportation partners will result in a more unified transportation strategy that will benefit travelers throughout California for years to come.”

Partners, including the California Transportation Commission, California Air Resources Board, regional governments, and port authority officials, provided input to the plan, which will link regional, statewide and land use goals into a cohesive vision for the future.

Participants also reviewed the California Transportation Commission’s Statewide Transportation Needs Assessment report to discuss a 10-year approach to planning, building and financing projects. Ideally, California will continue to work toward an integrated, multimodal, interregional transportation system over the next decade.

For more information about the California Interregional Blueprint, visit