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REVIEW: Caterpillar Revolver steel-toe pull-on boots take abuse and wear well

Updated Jan 2, 2020

For several weeks I tried a unique review process on a pair of Caterpillar Revolver steel-toe pull-on boots—I wore one pair while my 16-year-old son wore another.

During this time I jokingly referred to the process as the foreman and crew member test, mainly because my son really wanted to put the boots through the ringer as part of his testing, while I planned something a bit more moderate.

He took it seriously (the boots he wore are on the right in the above photo). His career goal is to work in forestry, so he took the mindset of conditions he thought he would face in such an environment. Occasionally he volunteers helping to clear brush from hiking trials in local private parks, so he thought one of these events to be a good test environment.

I, on the other hand, tried them out around the office, during my approximately 3-hour daily commute drive (perhaps simulating extended periods of time in heavy machine or truck cab), while performing some gardening work, DIY projects and in my woodworking shop.

I know many people like to get a pull-on boot that is a half-size or full size larger than what they normally wear. That would be a mistake with the Revolver. My son and I are a half-size apart and wore our respective normal sizes. The fit was spot on for me, even at the boot opening, despite my large calves. Even with a slightly narrow foot, my son’s boot was within his “tolerance” range, as he described it.

New pull-on boots are a bear to break in typically, but these seemed slightly less rough on the typical pain points. We both felt the bend at the ankles for the first couple of days, but that was to be expected. Because the fit was good, we didn’t notice any exceptional rubbing beyond the ankles.

The Revolver feels like a lightweight tank, with nice, thick leather that is just the right stiffness. The leather on a similar pair of boots I own, which my son often borrows, isn’t as thick and feels flimsy compared to the Cat boot. I was happy to get a pull-on with a more aggressive tread than my old pair, which is what I got with the Revolver. Despite it’s sturdiness, this boot also seems to be lighter than comparable boots out there.