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AED asks for dealer input on tax survey to help develop policy

AED logoThe Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) is asking for equipment dealers who are members of the group to participate in its tax survey to determine how they are affected by the current tax code and how tax reform may impact the industry.

“The data is important because AED is engaging with the U.S. Treasury Department to develop safe harbor guidance on rental fleet depreciation,” the association reports. “The information members provide will help AED ensure that dealer interests are protected and that any guidance covers the broadest possible swath of dealers.”

AED says it will use the information collected from the survey to:

The online version of the survey is available here, in addition to a PDF that can be mailed to AED’s Washington, D.C., office. The association recommends dealers have a copy of their 2015 tax return available when completing the survey to use as a reference. All responses are confidential, AED says, and the data collected will be released in aggregate form. Dealers with multiple business units are asked to only answer for their equipment distribution operations, including sales, rental and product support.

Questions about the survey can be sent to AED Vice President of Government Affairs Christian Klein at [email protected].