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Chrysler Foundation donates $50K to aid famlies displaced from natural disasters

The Chrysler Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Chrysler Group LLC, on June 9 announced a donation of $50,000 to aid families displaced from their homes as a result of the large number of recent natural disasters hitting many states across the country.

The donation will support AmeriCares U.S. Disaster Relief Fund which provides medical aid, bottled water, hygiene products and relief supplies to survivors of tornadoes, hurricanes and other disasters here at home.

“The enormity of the devastation to communities throughout the South and America’s heartland is heartbreaking,” said Jody Trapasso, president – The Chrysler Foundation. “AmeriCares is already on the ground helping the many people impacted by the floods and tornadoes and the Foundation donation offers a means to expand their efforts.”

The Chrysler Foundation has a long history of providing humanitarian aid throughout the United States and the world. In the past year, the Foundation has made cash donations to support earthquake and tsunami relief efforts in Japan; tornado relief efforts in Dundee, Mich., and Perrysburg, Ohio; and earthquake relief in Haiti.

The Foundation also supported flood relief and cleanup programs in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 2008; wildfire disaster relief in San Diego in 2007; and Hurricane Katrina aid in 2005.

Many of these initiatives also involved volunteers and in-kind support from Chrysler Group employees, retirees and dealers.

Within days of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, a $10 million Help the Children Fund was established for the children of victims. Chrysler employees, retirees and dealers raised another $400,000 for the scholarship fund and many employees worked at the recovery site or collected donations of supplies.