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Tracked drilling rig tips onto rear end in longest rollover trailering accident ever

Updated Jul 30, 2016

Excavator delimber stand

UPDATE: As reader John Cunningham pointed out via email and as a few others have noted on Facebook, the machine in this footage is in fact a tracked drilling rig and not an excavator. We regret the error and appreciate the help in identifyingthe machine correctly. We’ve updated the copy below to reflect the change.

We’ve seen plenty of heavy machines roll off plenty of trailers. But this particular excavator tracked drilling rig operator experiences what has to be the longest rollover of them all.

Equipped with what looks like a delimber, things go wrong for this machine very quickly as it attempts to board the loboy. As the tips of the tracks approach the trailer’s rear wheels, the angle proves too treacherous and the rig falls tracks up onto its rear end with a crash.

And while the operator is able to get both tracks back onto the trailer, things quickly go wrong again as the impact of righting the machine then rolls it off the trailer entirely. Watch below.