BIGGER BUCKETS: 15+ videos of loaders and dump trucks dowsing people for the Ice Bucket Challenge

Updated Dec 31, 2014

No. 2 Story in 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge wheel loader

Just in case you’ve been away from the Internet for the past couple of weeks, there’s been a thing going on called “The Ice Bucket Challenge.” It’s a full on viral craze that has spawned thousands of videos of people dumping buckets of ice water on their heads. Similar to the “Harlem Shake” craze last year, everyone is getting involved including businesses and celebrities. Unlike the “Harlem Shake,” this craze benefits a really good cause: finding a cure for ALS.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a fatal condition that kills the motor neurons that tell the muscles in our bodies to move. When muscles lose those messages from the motor neurons, they eventually waste away, according to the ALS Association.

The Ice Bucket Challenge dares people to either donate $100 to the ALS Association or dump a bucket of ice water on their heads. What the dare has spawned is a lot of people doing both instead and in a big way. Countless videos have been made for the challenge but more importantly the ALS Association has seen an unprecedented amount of donations coming in as of late. The association announced today that it had received $15.6 million in donations from July 29 to August 18, roughly the amount of time the challenge has been going on. That’s compared to $1.8 million in donations during the same period last year.

Most people have used regular buckets for the challenge, but quite a few more daring folks have opted for wheel loaders, skid steers and dump trucks. Below, we’ve rounded up 15 construction equipment Ice Bucket Challenge videos for your enjoyment. While we certainly encourage you to do the Ice Bucket Challenge and donate to the ALSA, quite a few of the videos below are pretty unsafe, even if a Canadian ice skater and country singer Carrie Underwood survived unscathed. One of the videos even involves a group of geniuses who decided to lay beneath the back end of an idling dump truck—and then the guy we assume was operating the truck hops out of the cab and joins in.

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We can’t stress this enough: Don’t try to replicate these videos at home. Just use a normal bucket instead.

UPDATE: We’ve added another video sent in by Warren CAT, a dealer in Midland, Texas. Let us know if you’ve got another to add.

UPDATE 2: We’ve added another two videos including the one directly below from the folks at Cat dealer Empire Southwest which features a massive 770 off-highway truck.

UPDATE 3: We’ve added two more videos at the bottom of the post, including one from Cleveland Brothers Cat in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

UPDATE 4: We received another entry for the roundup, this time from Wm. Winkler Co. in Newman Lake, Washington, one of our 2014 Contractor of the Year finalists. It’s at the bottom of the post.

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