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Survey finds 68% of Americans want increased federal transportation funding, most willing to pay higher gas taxes

highway trafficTwo-thirds of Americans, or 68 percent, want the federal government to invest more in roads, bridges and mass transit systems, according to the results of a AAA survey released on Tuesday.

Additionally, 5 percent of respondents said the federal government should invest less, while 24 percent want transportation spending levels to remain the same.

The survey results also showed that 52 percent of respondents would pay higher gas taxes per month for better transportation infrastructure, while 41 percent would not be willing to pay more. Among those willing to pay more, 20 percent would be willing to pay up to $4.99 more, 11 percent would be willing to pay between $5 and $5.99 more, and 21 percent would be willing to pay an additional $10 or more.

According to the survey results, 51 percent of respondents would be likely to vote for a member of Congress who supports increased federal spending on transportation. Survey results show that 17 percent would be “significantly more likely,” 34 percent would be “somewhat more likely,” 27 percent would be “neither more nor less likely,” 9 percent would be “somewhat less likely,” and 10 percent would be “significantly less likely.”

The survey also showed that 67 percent say taxing gas and diesel consumption is an appropriate to fund transportation investment, while 29 percent do not fuel taxes are an appropriate funding option.

According to the survey, 43 percent of respondents believe the quality of transportation infrastructure has declined in the past three years, while 28 percent said it has improved, 23 percent said it has neither improved nor declined, 16 percent said it has significantly declined, and 4 percent said it has significantly improved.

AAA president and CEO Bob Darbelnet said the survey results show a need for Congress to find a solution for transportation funding before the Highway Trust Fund runs out of money.

“Americans are fed up with record-long commutes, unsafe highways and never-ending potholes caused by political inaction,” Darbelnet said in a prepared statement. “Congress must prevent severe maintenance delays during the height of the summer driving season by preventing a Highway Trust Fund bankruptcy in August.”

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Editor’s Note: Amanda Bayhi is the online managing editor for sister sites Better Roads and Aggregates Manager.