New CEO, other top management named at Knife River

MDU Resources Group Inc. on Dec. 20 named John G. Harp as CEO of Knife River Corp., a subsidiary of MDU.

Harp also will continue in the position of CEO of MDU Construction Services Group Inc. Together, MDU Resources’ construction operations have exceeded revenues of $2.3 billion during the 12-month period ending Sept. 30 and have more than 7,000 employees during peak construction season.

MDU Resources also has selected Dave Barney to be president of Knife River and Jeff Thiede to be president of MDU Construction Services Group. Barney and Thiede will report to Harp.

“We are combining our construction businesses under one leader to grow our operations and better take advantage of opportunities in the construction industries,” said Terry D. Hildestad, president and CEO of MDU Resources, in a written statement. “Reorganizing our construction companies simplifies our ability to collaborate across the different types of construction businesses. We will be better able to utilize people, assets and equipment, as well as make it easier for our shareholders to understand our results.

John [Harp] has a proven track record of success in the construction business, and a significant ability to develop talented leaders and efficient teams of employees,” Hildestad said. “With Dave [Barney] overseeing the construction materials and contracting side and Jeff [Thiede] overseeing the construction services side of our operations, John [Harp] will have a strong management team in place to continue producing excellent results from our businesses.”

Harp has been president and CEO of MDU Construction Services Group since 2004. He joined MDU Resources when his construction business was acquired in 1998.

Barney was named president of Knife River’s Western Area operations in 2008, after holding several positions of increasing responsibility within Knife River.

Thiede has been president of Oregon Electric Group since 2004 and president of Capital Electric Construction since 2006; both are MDU Construction Services Group companies.