What candidates are you voting for?

The Associated Builders and Contractors’ Political Action Committee (ABC PAC) has endorsed 253 congressional candidates for the 2010 elections – a slate including 25 running for the U.S. Senate and 228 vying for seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“We are proud to support all these candidates for Congress,” said Michelle Seward Davis, 2010 ABC PAC chairman and chief financial officer for Joeris General Contractors in San Antonio, in a written statement. “We believe that each one of these pro-business individuals will be strong advocates for free enterprise and open competition.”

Candidates endorsed by ABC PAC agreed to oppose project labor agreements, a special interest handout to construction labor unions; protect the voting rights of construction employees during union organizing campaigns; support legislation that would give construction companies access to the same health care options as large corporations and unions; and support small business tax relief, among other items.

“We are confident that each of these candidates is committed to cutting government spending, lowering taxes and creating jobs – a focus that our country and economy need. Families, small business owners and their employees being represented by these 253 individuals would benefit from their strong leadership,” said Seward Davis.

To view the entire list of candidates endorsed by ABC PAC for the 2010 election cycle and the original press release from ABC, go to https://www.abc.org/Newsroom2/News_Releases2/2010_News_Releases/ABC_PAC_Endorses_253_Congressional_Candidates_for_the_2010_Election.aspx..

The ABC endorsement also follows below:

ABC PAC Congressional Endorsements


AL-01             Jo Bonner

AL-02             Martha Roby

AL-03             Mike Rogers

AL-04             Rodney Aderholt

AL-05             Mo Brooks

AL-06             Spencer Bachus

AL-Senate       Richard Shelby


AZ-01             Paul Goser

AZ-02             Trent Franks

AZ-03             Ben Quayle

AZ-05             David Schweikert

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AZ-06             Jeff Flake

AZ-08             Jesse Kelly

AZ-Senate       John McCain


AR-01             Rick Crawford

AR-02             Tim Griffin

AR-03             Steve Womack

AR-Senate       John Boozman


CA-02             Wally Herger

CA-03             Dan Lungren

CA-04             Tom McClintock

CA-11             David Harmer

CA-19             Jeff Denham

CA-20             Andy Vidak

CA-21             Devin Nunes

CA-22             Kevin McCarthy

CA-25             Buck McKeon

CA-26             David Dreier

CA-40             Ed Royce

CA-41             Jerry Lewis

CA-42             Gary Miller

CA-44             Ken Calvert

CA-46             Dana Rohrabacher

CA-47             Van Tran

CA-48             John Campbell

CA-49             Darrell Issa

CA-50             Brian Bilbray

CA-52             Duncan Hunter

CA-Senate       Carly Fiorina


CO-03             Scott Tipton

CO-04             Cory Gardner

CO-05             Doug Lamborn

CO-06             Mike Coffman

CO-07             Ryan Frazier

CO-Senate       Ken Buck


CT-04              Dan Debicella


FL-01              Jeff Miller

FL-02              Steve Southerland

FL-04              Ander Crenshaw

FL-05              Richard Nugent

FL-06              Cliff Stearns

FL-07              John Mica

FL-08              Dan Webster

FL-09              Gus Bilirakis

FL-10              Bill Young

FL-12              Dennis Ross

FL-13              Vern Buchanan

FL-14              Connie Mack

FL-15              Bill Posey

FL-16              Tom Rooney

FL-22              Allen West

FL-24              Sandy Adams

FL-25              David Rivera

FL-Senate        Marco Rubio


GA-01             Jack Kingston

GA-02             Mike Keown

GA-03             Lynn Westmoreland

GA-06             Tom Price

GA-08             Austin Scott

GA-09             Tom Graves

GA-10             Paul Broun

GA-11             Phil Gingrey

GA-Senate       Johnny Isakson


HI-01              Charles Djou


IA-03              Brad Zaun

IA-04              Tom Latham

IA-05              Steve King

IA-Senate        Charles Grassley


ID-02              Mike Simpson

ID-Senate        Mike Crapo


IL-10               Robert Dold

IL-11               Adam Kinzinger

IL-13               Judy Biggert

IL-14               Randy Hultgren

IL-17               Bobby Schilling

IL-20               John Shimkus

IL-Senate        Mark Kirk


IN-02              Jackie Walorski

IN-03              Marlin Stutzman

IN-04              Todd Rokita

IN-05              Dan Burton

IN-06              Mike Pence

IN-08              Larry Bucshon

IN-09              Todd Young

IN-Senate        Dan Coats


KS-01              Tim Huelskamp

KS-02              Lynn Jenkins

KS-03              Kevin Yoder

KS-04              Mike Pompeo

KS-Senate       Jerry Moran


KY-02             Brett Guthrie

KY-03             Todd Lally

KY-04             Geoff Davis

KY-05             Hal Rogers

KY-06             Andy Barr

KY-Senate       Rand Paul


LA-01             Steve Scalise

LA-04             John Fleming

LA-06             Bill Cassidy

LA-07             Charles Boustany

LA-Senate       David Vitter


ME-02             Jason Levesque


MD-01             Andy Harris

MD-06             Roscoe Bartlett


MA-10             Jeff Perry


MI-01              Dan Benishek

MI-02              Bill Huizenga

MI-03              Justin Amash

MI-04              David Camp

MI-06              Fred Upton

MI-07              Tim Walberg

MI-08              Mike Rogers

MI-10              Candice Miller

MI-15              Rob Steele


MN-01             Randy Demmer

MN-02             John Kline

MN-03             Erik Paulsen

MN-06             Michele Bachmann


MS-01             Alan Nunnelee

MS-03             Gregg Harper

MS-04             Steve Palazzo


MO-02            Todd Akin

MO-04            Vicky Hartzler

MO-06            Sam Graves

MO-07            Billy Long

MO-09            Blaine Luetkemeyer

MO-Senate      Roy Blunt


NE-01             Jeff Fortenberry

NE-02             Lee Terry

NE-03             Adrian Smith


NV-02             Dean Heller

NV-03             Joe Heck

NV-Senate      Sharron Angle

New Hampshire

NH-01             Frank Guinta

NH-02             Charlie Bass

NH-Senate       Kelly Ayotte

New Jersey

NJ-03              Jon Runyan

NJ-05              Scott Garrett

NJ-11              Rodney Frelinghuysen

New Mexico

NM-01             Jon Barela

NM-02             Steve Pearce

New York

NY-01             Randy Altschuler

NY-13             Michael Grimm

NY-19             Nan Hayworth

NY-20             Chris Gibson

NY-23             Matt Doheny

NY-24             Richard Hanna

NY-25             Ann Marie Buerkle

NY-26             Chris Lee

NY-29             Tom Reed

North Carolina

NC-02             Renee Ellmers

NC-05             Virginia Foxx

NC-06             Howard Coble

NC-07             Ilario Pantano

NC-08             Harold Johnson

NC-09             Sue Myrick

NC-10             Patrick McHenry

NC-Senate       Richard Burr

North Dakota

ND-AL             Rick Berg

ND-Senate       John Hoeven


OH-01             Steve Chabot

OH-03             Mike Turner

OH-04             Jim Jordan

OH-05             Bob Latta

OH-06             Bill Johnson

OH-07             Steve Austria

OH-08             John Boehner

OH-15             Steve Stivers

OH-16             Jim Renacci

OH-18             Robert Gibbs

OH-Senate       Rob Portman


OK-01             John Sullivan

OK-02             Dan Boren

OK-04             Tom Cole

OK-Senate       Tom Coburn


OR-01             Robert Cornilles

OR-05             Scott Bruun


PA-04              Keith Rothfus

PA-05              Glenn Thompson

PA-09              Bill Shuster

PA-11              Lou Barletta

PA-12              Tim Burns

PA-16              Joe Pitts

PA-17              David Argall

PA-Senate        Pat Toomey

Rhode Island

RI-01               John Loughlin

South Carolina

SC-01              Tim Scott

SC-02              Joe Wilson

SC-04              Trey Gowdy

SC-05              Mick Mulvaney

SC-Senate        Jim DeMint

South Dakota

SD-AL             Kristi Noem

SD-Senate       John Thune


TN-03              Chuck Fleishmann

TN-04              Scott DesJarlais

TN-06              Diane Black

TN-07              Marsha Blackburn

TN-08              Steve Fincher


TX-01              Louie Gohmert

TX-02              Ted Poe

TX-03              Sam Johnson

TX-05              Jeb Hensarling

TX-06              Joe Barton

TX-07              John Culberson

TX-08              Kevin Brady

TX-10              Michael McCaul

TX-11              Mike Conaway

TX-12              Kay Granger

TX-17              Bill Flores

TX-19              Randy Neugebauer

TX-20              Clayton Trotter

TX-21              Lamar Smith

TX-22              Peter Olson

TX-23              Quico Canseco

TX-24              Kenny Marchant

TX-26              Michael Burgess

TX-31              John Carter

TX-32              Pete Sessions


UT-01              Robert Bishop

UT-03              Jason Chaffetz


VA-01             Rob Wittman

VA-02             Scott Rigell

VA-04             Randy Forbes

VA-05             Robert Hurt

VA-06             Bob Goodlatte

VA-07             Eric Cantor

VA-09             Morgan Griffith

VA-10             Frank Wolf

VA-11             Keith Fimian


WA-02            John Koster

WA-03            Jaime Herrera

WA-04            Doc Hastings

WA-05            Cathy McMorris Rodgers

WA-Senate      Dino Rossi


WI-01              Paul Ryan

WI-03              Dan Kapanke

WI-05              Jim Sensenbrenner

WI-07              Sean Duffy

WI-08              Reid Ribble

WI-Senate        Ron Johnson

West Virginia

WV-02             Shelley Moore Capito

WV-03             Spike Maynard


WY-AL             Cynthia Lummis