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Online center puts government disaster contract info in one place

Contractors can now find and respond to government procurement opportunities involving rebuilding, cleanup and reconstruction after hurricanes through a free online service.

The Disaster Contracting Center combines business opportunities from federal, state and local government agencies in need of assistance. Through the center’s website, government agencies in states including Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida and South Carolina are currently broadcasing their procurement needs to 26,000 business subscribers.

The information is available online at no cost in order to speed up the recovery and reconstruction effort and give businesses of all sizes the opportunity to contribute services, according to Onvia.

“There are competitively bid hurricane cleanup opportunities for businesses beyond the sole-sourced FEMA contracts,” said Mike Pickett, chief executive of Onvia. “We deliver all the critical government procurement opportunities from all levels of government in one place online so businesses have the information they need to find appropriate contracts, and agencies can find appropriate suppliers.”

Onvia’s Disaster Contracting Center provides detailed information about disaster-related bidding opportunities. You can review government bids, advance notices and award information in contracting categories such as architecture, engineering and construction.