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Gas tax seen as likely focus of Ala. legislature in 2019

Updated Jan 15, 2019

Person pumping gas into vehicle

As with many states, Alabama lawmakers are trying to gauge legislators’ appetite for changes to the gas tax, likely to be a major focus of this year’s regular session, according to the Montgomery Advertiser.

Alabama House Speaker Mac McCutcheon, R-Monrovia, told the publication on Wednesday that he was making presentations about state issues with infrastructure to the Legislature and that he will reach out to individual legislators about their reactions to an increase – as well as the particular transportation needs in their districts, according to the article.

“We’re not talking about a piece of legislation,” McCutcheon told the paper after the Alabama Legislature adjourned its organizational session.

Money generated by the tax all goes to road and bridge repairs, but city and county officials say the levy has been unable to keep up with transportation needs in Alabama, the article says.