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National Governors Association sends state infrastructure list to Trump

Updated Feb 18, 2017

Road To Capitol Better RoadsThe National Governors Association (NGA) has submitted a list of 428 infrastructure project needs compiled by state governments to the Trump administration for consideration, according to a report by The Washington Post.

NGA asked each state to develop a list of up to five priority projects back in December, the report says. More than five were clearly submitted, with California providing 51 projects alone. NGA says the list contains projects from 49 states and U.S. territories.

These submissions follow the recent leak of 50 preliminary priority infrastructure projects that left out several states and regions. That document highlighted a value of $137.5 billion for the projects, far short of the $1 trillion infrastructure spending discussion coming from the Trump administration.

The Washington Post report indicated NGA was not going to publicly announce the list of projects.