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18,481 DOT positions would be furloughed with government shutdown


Better Roads reported Friday that the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) would remain operational if the federal government shuts down Tuesday.

However, if a government shutdown occurs, about one in three USDOT employees would face furloughs.

According to a plan released Friday by USDOT, the agency employs 55,468 people, 18,481 of which could be furloughed if the federal government shuts down.

Of those more than 55,000 employees, 36,987 would continue to go to work: 25,458 are considered to hold “life/safety” positions, while another 8,417 positions receive non-appropriated funding and 3,112 positions are necessary to support other functions such as the “life/safety” positions.

Each administration would be affected differently in the case of a federal government shutdown.

  • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) could expect to see up to 15,514 furloughed positions. The FAA employs a total of 46,070 people. The FAA would experience some suspended activities.
  • The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) employs 2,914 people, and none would experience furloughs. All FHWA operations and activities would continue.
  • The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) employs 1,102 people, and none would experience furloughs. All FMCSA operations and activities would continue.
  • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) employs 597 people, 333 of which would be furloughed. NHTSA’s Highway Safety Research & Development activities would continue to operate. The NHTSA would experience some suspended activities.
  • The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) employs 529 people, 501 of which would be furloughed. The FTA would experience some suspended activities.
  • The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) employs, 886 people, 467 of which would be furloughed. The FRA would experience some suspended activities.
  • The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) employs 441 people, 274 of which would be furloughed. The PHMSA would experience some suspended activities.
  • The Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) employs 702 people, 25 of which would be furloughed. RITA would experience some suspended activities.
  • The Maritime Administration (MARAD) employs 830 people, 451 of which would be furloughed. The MARAD would experience some suspended activities.
  • The Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC) employs 125 people, and none would be furloughed. All SLSDC operations and activities would continue.
  • The Surface Transportation Board (STB) employs 143 people, 140 of which would be furloughed. The STB would experience some suspended activities.
  • The Office of the Secretary (OTS) employs 730 people, 382 of which would be furloughed. The main suspended activities would be support from staff offices. Other operations would continue.
  • The Office of Inspector General (OIG) employs 399 people, 394 of which would be furloughed. The OIG would experience some suspended activities.

For more details about which positions would be furloughed and which activities would be suspended, view the full plan here.

A USDOT spokesperson released the following written statement last week regarding a possible shutdown:

“The Department of Transportation continues to support President Obama’s proposed FY2014 budget, and we strongly believe that there is still time for Congress to avert a government shutdown. That said, good management requires us to prepare for a potential lapse in funds, which is why we have updated our contingency plans. As always, safety is our top priority and our plans reflect that commitment, keeping all safety-critical employees on-the-job, but there is no question that a shutdown will hurt our ability to move forward with much-needed transportation projects and in turn, will hurt the millions of Americans that count on them to get where they need to go faster and more efficiently.”