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INFOGRAPHIC: Recycling shingles for asphalt

(Photo: Hometown Dumpster Rental)(Photo: Hometown Dumpster Rental)

Recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) have been featured in Better Roads before. We’ve discussed how they can prevent potholes, their significance in binder aging, their growing popularity.

Now, Hometown Dumpster Rental is featuring an infographic about RAS on its Trash Talk blog.

According to Trash Talk, the benefits of RAS go beyond preventing potholes: the method is also eco-friendly and can save money. The blog also points out that the average home can provide enough shingles to pave 200 feet of roadway.

Check out the infographic below, then visit the Trash Talk blog to learn more.

(Photo: Hometown Dumpster Rental)(Photo: Hometown Dumpster Rental)