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Poll: Americans want good roads & bridges, disagree on how

Key_Bridge,_Washington_D.C-Better-RoadsThe majority of Americans understand the importance of good highways and bridges, and they understand the benefits of good transportation outweigh the cost to taxpayers. However, not many Americans can agree on how to pay for new roads and repairs.

According to a new Associated Press-GfK poll six in 10 people surveyed say the benefits of good highways, bridges, railroads and airports outweigh the costs. 62 percent of frequent drivers say the benefits outweigh the costs, while 55 percent of people who rarely drive say the costs are worthwhile.

Although Americans want good means of transportation, they can’t agree on how to pay for it. Only 14 percent support raising federal gasoline prices; 58 percent oppose it. 2-to-1 of the Americans surveyed oppose private companies paying for new roads and bridges which would give companies a right to charge tolls.

The survey also asked about the possibility of a usage tax based on how many miles a vehicle drives. 40 percent of voters opposed the idea; 20 percent were in favor.

30 percent of voters supported the idea of having state and local governments chip in more money for highway and bridge repairs.