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IBTTA Twitter chat series to focus on transportation, tolling issues


The International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) on Tuesday will launch a series of Twitter chats that focus on transportation issues such as tolling funding and investment.

Dubbed #TranspoChat, the monthly series will kick off Tuesday at 3 p.m. Eastern Time with the first hour-long chat, “Making the Case for Federal Investment in Transportation: Moving the Public from ‘No’ to ‘Know’ with Llyod Brown of AASHTO.”

During Tuesday’s #TranspoChat, Lloyd Brown (@LloydBrown), communications director for the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), will address a number of transportation-related questions, including:

  • Why is it so important that the public recognize the need for more transportation funding?

  • How has public education regarding transportation funding been accomplished in the past?

  • What efforts to educate the public have worked and what efforts haven’t?

  • How does the advent of social media impact what organizations should be doing to educate the public?

  • What new methods do you believe would be effective in educating the public about the need for transportation funding?

IBTTA Executive Director and CEO Patrick Jones (@PatJonesDC) will moderate the discussions and debates.

To join the Twitter chat, follow the hashtag #TranspoChat from your Twitter account, or log onto TweetChat.