Wirtgen to debut W 250i cold milling machine with extra-large milling drum at ConExpo-Con/Agg

W250i_00112Wirtgen will debut the W 250i cold milling machine to the North American market at ConExpo-Con/Agg next month.

The machine, which is the company’s largest cold milling machine, is equipped with an extra-large milling drum unit that offers a working width of 12 feet, 6 inches, as well as a camera system and a Vacuum Cutter System (VCS).

W250i_00114The W 250i has a milling depth of up to 14 inches on asphalt surfaces, can remove hard concrete at a high advance rate and has the ability to remove complete roadway sections in a single pass.

The machine features a Dual Engine Concept, which offers the full power of two engines delivering about 991 horsepower or, for applications involving softer asphalt surfaces, the power of one engine at about 599 horsepower.

Three milling drum speed options — 1,600 rpm for complete removal, 1,800 rpm for standard milling jobs and 2,000 rpm for removing thin surfaces — are accessible on a selector switch and allow the operator to select the most suitable speed for the job at hand.

The milling machine comes standard with a milling width of 7 feet, 3 inches, and can be extended to one of six working widths: 8 feet, 2 inches; 10 feet, 2 inches; 11 feet, 6 inches; 12 feet, 6 inches; of 14 feet, 5 inches. A Flexible Cutter System (FCS) Light quick-change system allows the milling drum’s working width to be changed quickly.

A multifunctional control display provides operating statuses, servicing data and diagnostic options with clear graphics and can be rotated left and right with the Level Pro control panel. A log function stores daily information such as how many trucks have been loaded as well as overall tonnage achieved.

W250i_00113An optional camera system, available with two or six cameras, allows the operators to view as many as six working areas on the control display, while the intelligent WIDRIVE machine management system handles tasks for the operator in automatic process chains

The Parallel To Surface (PTS) system automatically aligns the W 250i parallel to the road and assists the operator with positioning the machine in the milled cut to initiate the milling process. Automatic mode eliminates the need to manually select each step.

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An integrated four-fold full-floating axle balances all four track units, reducing the machines lateral inclination and increasing stability.

The Intelligent Speed Control (ISC) system acts like a traction control system to prevent crawler track slip and to ensure optimal traction of all track units. The system allows narrow bends to be milled using all-track drive.
