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One reader responds to ‘booth babes’ blog post

(Photo: William Hook / Flickr)(Photo: William Hook / Flickr)

I wasn’t sure what kind of reaction I would get to the “‘Booth babes’ and the S.T.E.A.M. professions” blog post I recently wrote.

I was pleased to hear from one reader – a man – that my thoughts were an accurate description and that this practice is embarrassing.

The reader, who is well-known and well-respected in the industry, asked to only be identified with his initials when I asked permission to post his note to me. (He didn’t want there to be any confusion about his personal opinion and have it erroneously be making a statement for the company for which he works.)

Thanks, “JAM” for taking the time to write back. I’m glad my post didn’t come off as some super-feminist piece, because that wasn’t the intent. It just seems, like you said, embarrassing and seemingly like you’re interested in something else instead of the actual product.

I’m sharing JAM’s note to me because as a well-respected industry figure, I think his comments carry a lot of weight. I’m also thankful to know that readers are taking the time to comment back to me – whether positive or negative.

Here are JAM’s comments:

It doesn’t surprise me to see an article regarding our industry trade shows use of the described young women as “draws” to a vendor’s booth. What does surprise me is how long it has taken for someone to draw attention to it! I am a middle-aged male, relatively well known industry professional who appreciates an attractive woman’s figure as much as most men do. But it is almost embarrassing to walk up to a vendor whose products in which you may actually have interest and feel like a voyeur because of the “eye candy” standing around. I for one, don’t want to risk the appearance in my colleagues’ eyes of being interested in that aspect of the booth vs. the actual product displayed.

Congratulations for your honest depiction of something that I can only assume has gone through many individuals’ minds.

I’ve invited you to comment on this post (and any posts). Please feel free to e-mail me directly at [email protected]. If you don’t mind me using your comments (I’ll always ask permission first.), please indicate that as well.

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